Urban Grupo de Comunicación

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01 Adidas Sports - Beginners Squad

With the goal of bringing running closer to Generation Z and introducing the AR Team, we created the Beginners Squad: a team of four young influencers who experienced the unique journey of training to run the 21K in Buenos Aires, with the support of adidas.

Marti Benza, Fermín Bo, Martu Ortiz, and Mate Guasconi were selected to be part of this challenge, which pushed them to surpass their own limits. Throughout their training, they shared every step of the process on social media, offering an authentic and close look at their evolution.

On race day, they captured the excitement and nerves of their first 21K in a vlog filled with details and adrenaline from that day. Beyond achieving their personal goals, they also met adidas’ objectives and connected with their audience in a unique way, showcasing what it means to work alongside Urban.

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